—–What is Second Career?
Second Career provides laid-off workers with
* skills training to help them find jobs in high-demand occupations in Ontario
* financial support
Laid off? Looking for a new career? Second Career is an Ontario government program that will pay your tuition. Second Caerre Program is helping laid-off workers get back to work.
—-Is Second Career right for me?
You can apply to Second Career if you:
* are laid off or have been laid off since January 2005
* are either unemployed, working fewer than 20 hours per week or simply underemployed * are choosing to retrain for a career that is in demand
—–How is Second Career program help me?
You may qualify for up to $28 000, or more in some cases, to pay for tuition and expenses such as:
* Books
* Living expenses
* Help caring for dependents
* Travel & Transportation
* Disability supports
* Other living and training costs
We encourage you to visit and Employment Ontario assessment centre for a full evaluation of the opportunity.
Contact us today, our Employment Agent will help you for free assessment!
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB)
Labour Market Re-entry is a program designed to help people re-enter the labour market when WSIB determines that it is unlikely they will return to their place of work due to an on-the job accident. The Labour Market Re-entry Plan will be designed to provide the worker with the skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to successfully gain employment such as academic upgrading programs to improve basic academic skills and skills training programs to improve existing job skills and/or teach new skills.
Skills Development
Skills Developments is an employment program of Human Resources and Social Development Canada that provides financial assistance to eligible individuals to help them obtain the skills training they need to obtain employment. With the financial assistance provided by Skills Development, individuals arrange and pay for their own training.
Student Line of Credit
Many banks offer a Student Line of Credit that provides funding at a lower interest rate then most credit cards. The lines of credit are for students to help finance their post-secondary education. You can check with your financial institution to see if you qualify.
Our staff is here to help you if you have any questions or concerns. You may also choose to write for more information via email at info@conbridge.ca or use the contact us to fill up your request.